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View how TB12 started, understanding Pliability, and what it takes to achieve it.

What is "The Method"?

Together with his Body Coach Alex Guerrero, Tom Brady has developed a way to keep his body performing at any age with healthy habits centered around the concept of pliability. If you’re like us and are continually wowed by Tom’s wizardry every Sunday, pliability and the TB12 Method are his “secret sauce.”

Pliability is when something bends easily but doesn’t break — a concept Tom Brady has deployed on the field. Pliability allows muscles to move easier with less restriction. This shortens recovery time and allows you to perform pain-free. The TB12 Method is not a diet — it’s a holistic approach to healthy living that includes ways of picking up healthy habits in nutrition.

What is "Pliability"?

You’re probably familiar with the phrase “bend but don’t break.” Basically, that’s what pliability is: teaching and training your muscles to bend, stretch, and perform — but not break. Pliability trains your muscles to absorb rather than reject the force of daily use so you can keep your body performing and injuries less frequent.

You use your muscles every day. Inevitably, they begin to break down. This results in soreness, stiffness, and injuries becoming more common — especially in athletes. Once pliability becomes more common, your muscles will be longer, more resilient, and able to move without restriction. Shorter muscles won’t move as flexibly and will cause injury more often.

Most athletes are familiar with the struggle of rehabbing from an injury. Tom Brady is no exception, as he often struggled with his physical health — specifically avoiding injuries — early on in his NFL career. However, once he found future TB12 co-founder Alex Guerrero, he was introduced to the concept of pliability.

What is the TB12 diet?

The TB12 Diet isn’t a diet in the traditional sense but a guideline for leading a healthier and more prosperous lifestyle. While its scope extends beyond the kitchen, fundamental principles guide the kinds of food that end up on Tom Brady’s plate — one of them is to eat primarily plant-based, a practice he calls “commonsensical.”

Tom Brady’s meals are roughly 80 percent plant-based and 20 percent animal-based, although this changes depending on the season. Tom eats a majority of plant-based foods for a simple reason: fruits and vegetables are super high in nutrients, fiber, and enzymes. These are all important tools that professional athletes utilize to fuel their bodies.

But that doesn’t mean Tom never eats meat. Tom believes in balance, which in turn means eating meat in smaller portions and maximizing his plant-based intake. This would look like a smoothie with fruit, vegetables, and nuts and a meal centered around lean protein such as chicken or fish.

If you want to fuel your body as Brady does, it’s not hard — it just takes practice, the right attitude, and some adjustments. Over 82,000 passing yards and 624 career touchdowns later, the guy must be doing something right.

How much sleep does Tom Brady get?

Tom prioritizes getting at least 8 hours of sleep every night. He’s normally up at 6 am and asleep between 9-10 pm.

It’s no secret that the G.O.A.T follows an explicit — but not strict — set of guidelines in terms of his diet and daily routine to remain at the top of his game.

From his 6 am electrolytes to his vegetable-heavy meals, Tom is the type of guy who likes to stick to a routine once he has one that works — and it seems like this one has worked out pretty well for him.

Tom is always preaching about the importance of hydration, meal balance, and, of course, sleep. Aside from post-Super Bowl parades. Being rested is one of the biggest keys to having a successful day, and nobody knows this more than the G.O.A.T.

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